Mr. Porreca represented a man in Mt. Olive Municipal Court charged with Theft under N.J.S.A. 2C:20-4 and Forgery under N.J.S.A. 2C:21-1(a)(3). This client arranged to purchase a high-end handbag from someone on Facebook. When the pair arrived to make the exchange, the client paid the seller using counterfeit bills that he had created. He then ran from the scene. Mr. Porreca was able to secure enrollment in the Conditional Dismissal program for this defendant. The program consists of 12 months of probation and upon successful completion, the charges can be dismissed and 6 months later they can be expunged.

Conditional Dismissal Program For Theft Case
Your Case Becomes My Mission & Every Mission Is Possible

The Law Offices of Christopher G. Porreca, P.C.