Mr. Porreca represented a man in Morris County Superior Court charged with 4th Degree Invasion of Privacy under N.J.S.A. 2C:14-9(a), and Disorderly Persons Lewdness under N.J.S.A. 2C:14-4(a). This client had allegedly been looking at a man in a stall in a restaurant men’s room and also exposed himself. Mr. Porreca was able to successfully enroll this client in the Pre-Trial Intervention Program for a period of one year. As this client was doing so well on the program, we filed a Motion for Early Termination from PTI after six months. Our Motion was granted by the Court and the defendant was discharged from PTI.

Invasion of Privacy & Disorderly Persons Lewdness
Your Case Becomes My Mission & Every Mission Is Possible
The Law Offices of Christopher G. Porreca, P.C.